Content Writing Services

When you need content writing for your service or business, it’s important to hire a professional.  Joey Johnston Communications can provide excellent quality, well researched written content for your website or other facets of communication.

Life Stories

Is your family celebrating a meaningful milestone – a wedding, an anniversary or a graduation? Do you want to celebrate the success of a youth sports team? Would you like to chronicle a life well lived and preserve those memories for future generations? All of those stories can be told professionally, through the eyes of a trained journalist, by working with Joey Johnston Communications.

Web Content

How you website is designed is only one aspect of the project. The written content is especially helpful in getting your website noticed on the search engines, like Google and Bing (MSN). Key words and phrases within the content written to explain what your site or product (if e-commerce) is about, not only benefits the reader, but the SEO (search Engine Optimization) of the website. Research and quality written content is the key to your success.

Social Media

Need someone to write copy for your Facebook Page, twitter, or other social media platform that requires written content? Utilizing keywords and hashtags within the content is what we can do to help promote your message and increase the interest of the reader about you or your business.

Blog Posts Content

Don’t have time to do a blog? For websites, blogs are an integral part of getting noticed by search engines, or providing information about the industry you are associated with, or to just inform those that visit your site about product specials, the service you provide or your philosophy on a subject. Our blog packages are designed to fit your needs and release dates.

E-Mail Blasts

Have a newsletter that needs written and then sent out either one-time or on a scheduled basis? Need content for an ad or inter-office notices. Making sure that the information that you want directed and created gets to the right people. You provide the concept and Joey Johnston Communications puts in it writing.

Press Releases

A press release, media release, news release, press statement or video release is an official statement delivered to members of the news media, internet-at-large, company or business changes for the purpose of providing information, an official statement, or making an announcement. As the Internet has assumed growing prominence in the news cycle, press release writing styles have evolved. Editors of online newsletters, for instance, often lack the staff to convert traditional press release prose into print-ready copy. Joey Johnston Communications can do that because of our experience level.

White Papers

A white paper is an authoritative guide or report that informs readers concisely about a complex issue and presents the issuing author’s or company’s philosophy on the matter. It is meant to help readers solve a problem, understand an issue, or make a decision.

TV Ads

Need copy for a TV ad? Our years of experience working with major outlets and writing skills makes Joey Johnston Communications the best choice to get the right copy across in the allotted time frame for 15, 30 second or longer ads. Joey Johnston is also a voice actor, so you get that added opportunity for your television ad to be understood.

Radio Ads

In the United States, commercial radio stations make most of their revenue by selling airtime to be used for running radio advertisements. Hearing an ad during drive time or between songs has to grab your attention. Not only can we write the radio ad, but we can also provide voice over talent as an added bonus.

Articles or Newspaper

With over 30 years of news and broadcasting experience for major publications and outlets, makes Joey Johnston Communications the right choice when you need the written words to stand out and give meaning and facts about a certain subject. We can provide you with on-time and on budget quality publication content. See our Articles Page for examples.

Hire Joey Johnston Today

Top Quality Writing Services

Need original content tailored to your business? Create a request and order content to your specifications.

Over 30 years experience in the news and broadcasting business. Joey Johnston can provide quality content at fair prices to meet your business goals.

Hire Joey Johnston Today